Virtual & Augmented Reality (xR)
- Uses of AR/VR/xR

Ultrasound Haptics


Haptic sensations are transmitted to the skin through precisely focused sound waves, so multiple points of stimulation can be created and moved without the constraints imposed by a physical end effector. These sensations can cover a wide range, stimulating all of the hand, for example, within a relatively large workspace. Finally, high sample rates and the speed of sound enable a high degree of temporal precision, which can lead to novel tactile sensations that are not possible with some alternative technologies (Rakkolainen, 2020).



Rakkolainen, I., Freeman, E., Sand, A., Raisamo, R., & Brewster, S. (2020). A survey of mid-air ultrasound haptics and its applications. IEEE Transactions on Haptics14(1), 2-19.

Paneva, V., Seinfeld, S., Kraiczi, M., & Müller, J. (2020, July). HaptiRead: Reading Braille as mid-air haptic information. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (pp. 13-20).