- to Tactile or Pain sense

TouchMapper 3D print tactile maps


Touch Mapper allows 3D printing of tactile maps. Anyone can put an address into the website and print a 3D map. through playful pixels or they can download their own printable file. Touch Mapper is a web application that allows users to add geographic information to maps. It uses a combination of web-based tools to allow for easy manipulation and customization of maps, allowing users to add markers, paths, colors, shapes, and other features to their map. Touch Mapper also allows users to share their maps with others, making it a great tool for creating and collaborating on projects. Additionally, it can be used to analyze and visualize data, track events, and analyze relationships in geography.



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More Information About Touch Mapper


Kärkkäinen, S. (n.d.). Tactile Maps Easily | Touch Mapper. [online] Touch Mapper – Tactile Maps for the Visually Impaired. Available at: https://touch-mapper.org/en/ [Accessed 12 Feb. 2023].