
Spray on Smart Skin


Spray-on smart skin with AI capabilities rapidly created by researchers could revolutionize the way robots interact with their environment. The AI-powered skin, developed at the University of Sussex in the UK, can detect objects, identify shapes and even recognize facial expressions. It can be quickly applied to a variety of surfaces, including those of robots, allowing them to respond to their environment in more complex ways. The skin is made up of a network of pressure, temperature and humidity sensors capable of being integrated with AI algorithms for sophisticated decision-making. This technology could provide robots with greater autonomy, allowing them to detect and respond to changes in their environment, such as objects and people, with more accuracy and in real-time. [1]


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Myers, Andrew, Stanford University. (n.d.). Spray-on smart skin uses AI to rapidly understand hand tasks. [online] techxplore.com. Available at: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-12-spray-on-smart-skin-ai-rapidly.html [Accessed 12 Feb. 2023].

Kim, K.K., Kim, M., Pyun, K. et al. A substrate-less nanomesh receptor with meta-learning for rapid hand task recognition. Nat Electron 6, 64–75 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41928-022-00888-7