
Haptics-based virtual reality (VR) Training


Haptics-based virtual reality (VR) training uses haptic technology to create an immersive and interactive virtual world. Haptics, also known as “haptic feedback”, allows a user to touch, feel, and interact with a virtual environment. This type of training uses a variety of tactile, vibratory, and auditory feedback to create a more realistic virtual environment.

Haptic training allows users to explore a virtual world as if it were a physical space, providing more depth to the learning process. Additionally, it can be used to increase safety and accuracy in simulations, as well as improve a user’s understanding of a concept. It can also provide a more engaging experience for learners, making the overall learning process much more enjoyable.


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NCompass. (n.d.). Engineering & Computer Simulations. ECS. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from https://www.ecsorl.com/