
Computer Program controls Robot with Brain Signals and Machine Learning


Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institue of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) including Professor Aude Billard, the head of EPFL’s Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory and José del R. Millán, previously the head of EPFL’s Brain-Machine interface Laboratory, collaborated to design a computer program that use electrodes and machine learning to help people control a robot. This is taking technology a step further than only reading brain signals to determine if a robotic arm should move. This team also designed an algorithm which is interpreting what a user would consider “to close” or “too far” to train the Machine Learning model for precise movements based on brain activity. This can help people who are not in control of their limbs to accomplish more and live with a greater sense of independence.


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For More Information Contact

Aude Billard

José del R. Millán


BBC Science Focus Magazine. (n.d.). This robot arm can be controlled by the power of your brain. [online] Available at: https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/this-robot-arm-can-be-controlled-by-the-power-of-your-brain/.