



Braingate is a research group dedicated to Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) for those with neurological diseases. Their specific focus are on diseases that impact limb activity such as ALS; they work on many functions from assistive speech to movement restoration. Some of their publications include: a haptic stimulation to include in BCIs so that those with paralysis can better control their environment, an experiment on whether or no if speech will negatively affect BCIs meant for motor movement, and an in-depth review of these technologies for rehabilitations.

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Deo DR, Rezaii P, Hochberg LR, Okamura A, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM.

Effects of Peripheral Haptic Feedback on Intracortical Brain-Computer Interface Control and Associated Sensory Responses in Motor Cortex.

IEEE Trans Haptics. 2021 Apr 12;PP. doi: 10.1109/TOH.2021.3072615. Epub ahead of print.

Stavisky SD, Willett FR, Avansino DT, Hochberg LR, Shenoy KV, Henderson JM.

Speech-related dorsal motor cortex activity does not interfere with iBCI cursor control.

J Neural Eng. 2020 Feb 5;17(1):016049. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/ab5b72.PMID: 32023225.

Young MJ, Lin DJ, Hochberg LR.

Brain-Computer Interfaces in Neurorecovery and Neurorehabilitation

Seminars in Neurology. 2021 Apr;41(2):206-216. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1725137.