Sensing (by device)
- Biological

Annotated Bibliography

COPY currently shown bibliography

A conformable sensory face mask for decoding biological and environmental signals https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-022-00851-6

  • The paper talks about integrating a sensory interface that can be attached to any face mask to monitor signals related to infectious diseases, environmental conditions and wear status of the face mask.

Acarón Ledesma, H., Li, X., Carvalho-de-Souza, J.L. et al. An atlas of nano-enabled neural interfaces. Nat. Nanotechnol. 14, 645–657 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-019-0487-x

  • A review of the BCI field focused on the materials and implementation designs. Intent is to develop an atlas of different nanotechnologies that can be used in biological interfaces.

Bio-Digital Wearables or Space Health Enhancement


  • This project by MIT Media Lab explores the potential of wearables and the critical role they can play in monitoring human life in space. Their vision is to integrate technology with the human body to sense biological signals related to health conditions at the molecular level. Their prototype is called "wearable lab on body” which actively and continuously monitor human biomarkers from biological fluids. 

Compliant and conductive carbon nanomaterial for on-skin electronics

https://techxplore.com/news/2022-11-compliant-carbon-nanomaterial-on-skin-electronics.html (Research: Cai, Y., Shen, J., Fu, J. H., Qaiser, N., Chen, C., Tseng, C. C., ... & Tung, V. (2022). Graphdiyne-Based Nanofilms for Compliant On-Skin Sensing. ACS nano16(10), 16677-16689.)

  • The article talks about a flexible e-skin made of an ultra-thin material that is able to detect the minute temperature difference between an inhaled and an exhaled breath. This could form the basis of a new form of an on-skin biosensor.

Decoding Visual Imagery Using EEG/EOG Glasses: A Pilot Study https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-18458-1_29

  • This study explores the possibility of using a mobile EEG/EOG device in a form-factor of the glasses for decoding visual imagery that could be used as a control strategy for BCIs. The decoding performance of a mobile EEG/EOG device was compared to a 16 channel research-grade EEG headset.

Magnetic sensors track muscle length


  • Using a simple set of magnets, MIT researchers have come up with a sophisticated way to monitor muscle movements, which they hope will make it easier for people with amputations to control their prosthetic limbs.

Machine translation of cortical activity to text with an encoder–decoder framework https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-0608-8

  • Training a recurrent neural network to encode each sentence-length sequence of neural activity into an abstract representation, and then to decode this representation, word by word, into an English sentence.

Whelan, E., McDuff, D., Gleasure, R., & Vom Brocke, J. (2018). How emotion-sensing technology can reshape the workplace. MIT Sloan Management Review59(3), 7-10.

  • The journal article discusses emotion-sensing technology that can help employees make better decisions, improve concentration, and adopt healthier and more productive work styles.

Lin, S., Zhu, J., Yu, W., Wang, B., Sabet, K. A., Zhao, Y., ... & Emaminejad, S. (2022). A touch-based multimodal and cryptographic bio-human–machine interface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences119(15), e2201937119. Available from: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2201937119 [cited 2022 Sep 28].

  • "Researchers at UCLA and Stanford University have developed a secure, noninvasive, one-touch technology ... that can present detailed information about an individual’s blood composition — such as metabolites, hormones, nutrients and pharmaceuticals, as well as blood oxygen — all through the press of a finger." (UCLA Article)